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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Indigenous Peoples in American History
Robert J. Miller

Robert J. Miller presents the history and lifeways of the Indian Nations in what is now the United States. He also discusses the place of Indian Peoples in the U.S. Constitution and why the Constitution’s Founding Fathers included them. Miller is a professor of law at Arizona State University. He is a citizen of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe, and a judge for the Grand Ronde Tribe in Oregon and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe in Arizona. He has written two books and several law review articles.

Secular Studies and What They Tell Us
Phil Zuckerman

Presentation by Phil Zuckerman. There are thousands of Religious Studies departments the world over – but only one Secular Studies department. What is Secular Studies? What’s the point? How might Secular Studies enrich our understanding of the world? Zuckerman is professor of sociology at Pitzer College, and the founding chair of the nation’s first Secular Studies Program. He is the author of several books, including “What It Means to be Moral “ and “Living the Secular Life.” He has published articles in Salon and the Los Angeles Times, among other places.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Simon Sinek (TED talk)

This is a showing of a TED talk by motivational speaker Simon Sinek about leadership. Followed by discussion among HGP members.

Baha’i Faith and Its Relevance Today
Todd Khozein

Todd Khozein discusses “Baha’i Faith and Its Relevance Today”. There is no clergy in the Baha’i Faith. The leadership is democratically elected at various levels. Mr. Khozein was born into a Bahá’i family and fled Iran as an infant during the Islamic Revolution as a religious refugee. He has been a Bahá’í all his life. He is Founder of SecondMuse, an impact and innovation company building resilient economies by supporting entrepreneurs and the ecosystems around them.
