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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Oregon’s Homeless Crisis
Doug Marshall


Presentation by Doug Marshall,  a native Portlander, who has dedicated over thirty years to addressing homelessness in his community. In 2019, he founded an organization committed to measuring the effectiveness of nonprofits in helping the homeless return to stability and become housed.

On the WEB:




Portland Clean Air
Greg Bourget

Presentation at Friendly House by Greg Bourget about “Portland Clean Air” an organization that uses data from eight government agencies, monitoring equipment for airborne particulate and solvents to identify the source of industrial air pollution. Bourget is the Executive Director and Lead Researcher for Portland Clean Air.

The Grasshopper Women: A Peruvian Tale of Globalization
Jeff Seward

Presentation by Zoom. Jeff Seward shows us a video looking at the lives of a group of pioneering Peruvian women who experimented with the idea of creating an elite corps of computer professionals in a poor developing Latin American country. Jeff is a retired political scientist from Pacific University. He has given us more than twenty presentations over the years. He now lives in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mindful Communal Responsiveness
David Buckley

Presentation at Friendly House by David Buckley. David leads an interactive presentation seeking to bring mindfulness to our shared experience as a community. David is a psychiatric nurse practitioner trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which uses mindfulness to establish behaviors in line with one’s deeper values.
