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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Portland Climate Action Report
Kyle Diesner

Kyle Diesner presents an overview of how the City of Portland addresses climate change. This includes the history of efforts to date, plus  a preview of the Draft 2015 Climate Action Plan. He provides an in-depth exploration of Multnomah County’s impact on global carbon emissions. Diesner is a Policy Analyst for the City of Portland Bureau of Planning. He has been working on sustainability initiatives at the City of Portland since 2003.

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming
Gordon Fulks

Presentation by Gordon J. Fulks. He writes: “Dr. Fulks will explain how science is supposed to work and how it is failing today in the monumental climate scam. Will the science that brought us out of the Dark Ages into the modern world survive this assault on reason?” Dr. Fulks has written “Global Warming: Climate Orthodoxy Perpetuates a Hoax”. Dr. Fulks received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago.

Water: It's Complicated
Catherine Howells

Presentation by Catherine Howells. Our urban environment is dependent on basic infrastructure (water, sewer, electricity and garbage) for our health and survival. This infrastructure is ignored by most of us because it runs so well that we take it for granted. This talk will look into what it really takes to deliver water to our taps.
Catherine Howells is an adjunct professor at Portland State University where she teaches and researches about urban water systems. She has served on the City Club committee looking at water and sewer rates and is currently a member of the Portland Public Utilities Review Board.

Why Are We Here?
Paul Wathen

Presentation by Paul Wathen. Existence can be thought of as a four-dimensional metaphysical space in which human consciousness is the lynchpin. This model has profound implications for discovering who we are, and it also leads to some crucial paradoxes. Unraveling them leads to a new understanding of how we’re all interconnected, and to a powerful way of understanding why we exist at all. Mr. Wathen has worked as an editor, television production manager, and as a certified public accountant for 30 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with cancer. This has made him wonder what it’s all about. His presentation summarizes the conclusions he’s come to so far.
