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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Navigating the American Healthcare System
Jon Peters, M.D.

Presentation by Jon Peters, M.D. How best to interact with your doctor before and after an office visit? How best to get tests and referrals? How to make interactions with providers better for you? Why, at times, your desires may not align with the American health care system. Dr. Peters completed his Family Medicine residency in 1991 and recently retired after nearly 30 years.

Creating a Democracy Movement
Greg Coleridge

Presentation by Greg Coleridge. Social change that expands people’s rights and calls for protecting the planet has been the result of committed individuals who organize powerful peoples’ movements. The crises that we face (political, constitutional, ecological, economic and social) demand a diverse democracy movement. Greg Coleridge is co-director of “Move to Amend”. He has worked for more than three decades with the American Friends Service Committee in Ohio where he dealt with a range of justice, environmental, and democracy issues. He is the author of several works on social change.

Rehabilitation U.S. Correction System
Caitlin Taylor

Presentation by Caitlin J. Taylor. She will discuss challenges to providing rehabilitation programs in the U.S. prison system. This includes prison culture, corruption, public opinion, and therapeutic relationships. Is this a system that can be reformed or should it be abolished? Caitlin Taylor, is an associate professor in Sociology & Criminal Justice at La Salle Univesity. Her research centers on the collateral consequences of mass incarceration as well as challenges faced by returning citizens.

A Troubling Flag
Eva Guggemos

Presentation by Eva Guggemos. There is a troubling U.S. flag in the Pacific University Museum. It is significant because of its age and its history. This flag was carried by a militia company that helped violently repress Native People in the 1850s-1880s. Ms. Guggemos discusses the wars between Pacific Northwest Tribes and the U.S. Government, the removal of tribes to reservations, and the difficulties in curating a flag with such a fraught history. Eva Guggemos is the Archivist and an Associate Professor at Pacific University.
