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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Portland's Water
Catherine Howells, PhD

Presented by Catherine Howells, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Portland State University. Catherine will be speaking about the history of Portland's drinking water --where it comes from and how the water system was built. She believes that everyone should know about their drinking water --the history and current state of affairs. Portland has extraordinarily pure water, but it is not without its challenges. Our watershed, which is controlled by the US Forest Service, was logged for decades. Our unfiltered water delivery system is now challenged by EPA regulations. Catherine will discuss these issues from all sides and looks forward to a vibrant discussion of the issues. Catherine was trained as an historian, left the academic world for a career in business, and now finds herself back teaching history. As an Adjunct Professor, she teaches a class each term at Portland State University on Portland's water.

Alternative Energy
Dr. Duane Ray

Presented by Duane Ray, PhD. This talk gives an overview of many of the various possibilities of renewable energy. Including wind, solar (both heating and photovoltaic), geothermal, tidal/wave, bio-fuels and photosynthesis. The information provides a base for discussion and helps lead to informed decisions for our future. The state of the art for each method changes as research and industrial development moves forward. We’ll try to bring you up-to-date. They will shape our future!

David C. DiNucci

Presented by David C. DiNucci. Facebook has become an internet phenomenon. What is it? How did it get so big? How does it compare to other internet communication media like Twitter and email? What started as a means of keeping in touch with friends has become a tool for everything from rallying for causes to keeping up with the latest news. We'll explore how Facebook fits into the internet landscape, and how you may find it useful in your humanist endeavors.

Bridge Meadows
Derenda Schubert, PhD

Presented by Derenda Schubert, PhD Executive Director. Bridge Meadows is an Intergenerational Community supporting foster care youth in finding adoptive homes, families thriving to raise the children and older adults (55 years and older) leading fulfilling lives. Bridge Meadows is an alternative to traditional foster care to ensure the children are adopted. These three generations come together to build a community of caring, love, and nurturance.
