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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Anti-Semitic Symbols in the Christian Tradition
Sarah Sanders

Sarah Sanders presentation is an artifact study of symbols (religious terms, religious art, and religious doctrine) within the Christian tradition that, upon examination, are inherently anti-Semitic, though not perhaps appearing so at first look. This research was done for her Capstone research project (the formal name for the senior project process that students undergo at PLU to graduate). She also discusses how she plans to use her primary research theory to perform interfaith conflict work in the future.

Comments About Art Beat and Other OPB Notes
KC Cowan

Presented by KC Cowan of Oregon Public Broadcasting’s well known Art Beat program KC will have a DVD or two from which to play some snippets and share a tale or two.

The Benefits of Having Bats [2010-7/18
Professor Christine Portfors

Professor Christine Portfors, of Washington State University in Vancouver, is an expert on bats. You may have some negative feelings about bats and if you do that would be a very good reason to join us. Bats play a very beneficial role in our environment but we don't notice it because they are active after dark. They consume many bugs and insects you don't really care for. Professor Portors will also show us how to build a bat house. After hearing her presentation, you may want to have one in your area.

20/20 Humanism - Achieving a Vision That Matches Our Aspirations
Roy Speckhardt and Maggie Ardiente

Presented by Roy Speckhardt (Executive Director of the American Humanist Association) and Maggie Ardiente (Director of Development for the American Humanist Association). Roy Speckhardt discusses why a prejudice still exists against the humanist community, where it is commonly assumed that one cannot be good without God. How do we rise above this challenge? What can nontheists learn from the success of similar movements, such as the gay rights movement? Roy identifies three critical areas where we must improve to achieve our goals: greater unity, more community, and the need to increasingly be more vocal in order to achieve our humanist vision. Maggie Ardiente will give an update on the AHA's latest projects to promote humanism at the local and national level. She points out that the American Humanist Association was, for many years, a "philosopher's club" for a small number of people. Today, the AHA is one of the most active secular organizations in the country, working to lobby Congress on humanist issues, promote science and reason in education, protect the church-state wall, protect the rights of nontheists through the courts and build a network of humanist groups across the country--all to represent the growing number of Americans who are "good without God."
