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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Proselytizing in the Military Academies
Sue Emmett

Sue Emmett discusses the role of religion and religious proselytizing in our country’s military academies.

The Big Bang Origin of Our Universe
Dr. Duane Ray

Dr. Duane Ray has organized a 5-part series for HGP. These talks are at a level understandable to the interested layperson. In each, a background of information is provided, significant achievements and their impact on us are highlighted and we then look for the limits of our scientific knowledge in the various areas. Expectations for the future based on the present direction of research and sometimes feasible alternatives are part of the discussion. Each is a stand-alone talk but attending the whole series provides a deeper understanding. The Big Bang Origin of Our Universe is the first presentation in the series. We are fortunate to live in a time when the most advanced revelations of science are made available to us in a form understandable by the interested layperson. The generally accepted scientific ideas of the creation of the universe, the development of our solar system and the occurrence of life will be presented. Some conjectures suggested by plausible but unproven alternatives are included. Our existence is placed on the time-line of the universe. It’s awesome. It’s humbling.

Robert McGown

This program, given by Robert McGown, is all about constellations, stars, and galaxies. McGown is a self-employed electrician who is also an amateur astronomer. He has worked on several NASA projects and has published several articles and books on astronomy.

The Other Fossil Record, Part 2
Dr. Jon Peters

This is Part 2 of a two-part presentation by Dr. Jon Peters. See description for Part 1.
