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Video of Programs (search and sort)

The Big Bang Origin of Our Universe, Our Solar System, and US!
Dr. Duane Ray

Presented by HGP's own Duane Ray, PhD. We are fortunate to live in a time when the most advanced revelations of science are made available to us in a form understandable by the interested layperson. The generally accepted scientific ideas of the creation of the universe, the development of our solar system, and the occurrence of life will be presented. Our existence is then placed on the timeline of the universe. It’s awesome; it’s humbling.

Mormon Pioneer Day, July 24
Sue Emmett

A celebration by the Mormon Community takes place every year on July 24. What is being celebrated? Sue Emmett will present the background events that led to the Mormons coming West, explain how the practice of polygamy played into that move, discuss what caused the original splintering off of groups that continued the practice of polygamy, and tell how that relates to current news events. Sue will repeat a little of the material from her last program that will be needed for understanding recent news reports, particularly the circumstances around the original appearance of polygamy within the doctrine of the church.

Philosopher Leo Strauss
Del Allen

Preceded by a short reading, this presentation by Del Allen was recorded on 7/13/08 at a regular meeting of the Humanists of Greater Portland (Oregon), or HGP -- website Abstract: Leo Strauss is a philosopher to whom some intellectuals and columnists have attributed much of the present U.S. foreign policy. Evidence of this will be presented, followed by a discussion.

Health Effects of War
John Pearson, MD

Presented by John Pearson, MD (Physicians for Social Responsibility). This presentation puts the “War on Terror” in perspective by examining whether war is an appropriate response to 9/11/2001. Will global war reduce the threats against our country, or will it perpetuate the cycles of violence? Dr. Pearson will look beyond the death and destruction of war and explore other effects, including civilian casualties, environmental and economic breakdowns, refugees, and land mines. He will then explore a positive vision for a peaceful end to terrorism, including reducing WMD’s here in the U.S., increasing development aid to poor countries, and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
