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Video of Programs (search and sort)

Reflect Peace Now
Nicki Pistacchio

Nicki Pistacchio, the original grass root organizer of “ReflectPeaceNow.Org”, leads a discussion on the ways that marketing peace goes hand in hand with humanist beliefs. She outlines a variety of sustainable personal actions that promote peace. Ms. Pistacchio is a native Oregonian, having grown up on the coast. During her working life she was gatekeeper and clean-up person for presidents, CEO’s, and department managers. She was often responsible for marketing and outreach projects. Upon retirement, she became a volunteer working to continue marketing for peace.

Easter Breakfast Potluck
Laurent Beauregard

This time the potluck was accompanied by a 15-minute slide show narrated by HGP member Laurent Beauregard. He compares Darwin’s scientific revolution with that of Newton. He discusses how these developments bear on religious belief. The show ends with an announcement -- the winner of the Charles Darwin look-alike contest -- Del Allen, our Program Chairman.

Humane Education
Dani Dennenberg

Presentation by Dani Dennenberg. What is the local organization HEART (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers) bringing to Portland schools and organizations? This is about HEART’s role in encouraging young people to help solve community and world problems. Dani Dennenberg is the Director of HEART. She is a graduate of the Master’s Program of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE). She graduated with honors from U.C. San Diego with a B.A. in Sociology and with a minor in Environmental Studies.

Journey of a Civil War Surgeon
Mark Eifler

Presentation by Mark Eifler. At the beginning of the Civil War, William Peck surprised his family by enlisting in the Union Army as a surgeon. His unpublished letters are an invitation to investigate the life and times of doctors and medical practice during a critical period in American history. We look at a world that, in many ways, sought to move into a modern era, but was still firmly rooted in a somewhat confused and contentious past. Mark Eifler received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley. He teaches at the University of Portland.
